Sandringham can help you to scale the compliance mountain

Recent research by Fidelity Funds Network1 asked advisers to name and rank their top three current business challenges. The results show that four out of five (80%) advisers rank compliance and regulatory change in the top three challenges, with 50% of respondents to the survey considering it to be their number one challenge.
Common complaints from advisers were cited to be:
- Time and money: compliance time versus client time. Many advisers felt additional time spent attending to compliance will result in higher client charges
- Moving the goal posts: trying to keep up with changing rules is a particular challenge to the time and resources of small IFA practices
- Client engagement: many advisers have expressed concerns over the amount of paperwork now required, which may result in clients missing the most important information
- Problems with business efficiency and back office administration: adding further to the compliance burden
If these points ring true for you, have you considered talking to us to see how Sandringham Time can help you to scale the compliance mountain? Sandringham Time gives you:
- More time to think – by freeing you from time-consuming complexities and barriers to allow you to arrange and manage your clients’ financial plans efficiently
- Time for your advice to deliver – there’ll be more time for you to ensure your clients’ investment, retirement and protection choices are working for the long term
- More control – state-of-the-art technology will enable you to see all your clients’ investments, products and other assets from a single web page, anywhere, 24/7
- Intuitive back-office system – built by advisers for advisers
If you want to see how Sandringham can help you to build a proficient, profitable and future-proofed business, why not join us at one of our experience days, or speak to us here
Find out more about our experience days and book your place today.