For professional adviser use only

Supporting your clients is key

21st April 2020

Back in May 2020, Tim Sargisson stated:  “firms in the strongest place before this crisis and who continue to support their clients over the next few weeks will be best placed to get through this.”

Looking back, we believe that Sandringham has proved to be  one of these firms:

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Our preparation and planning for an unforeseen event was robust and allowed us to start working from home overnight, following government guidelines and advice.


Communication is vitally important at all times, but even more during lockdowns. Sandringham’s investment in technology allowed our Advising Partners to communicate with clients in many ways, not just via face-to-face meetings. Clients  reported back to confirm  that this gave  them additional reassurance and support.

It’s always important for clients to be able to have access to clear information to give them a greater understanding of where their money is invested. In this respect, our wealth platform allows clients to view and monitor the performance of their investments, policies, plans and other assets all in one place, with 24/7 online access. The platform also has secure messaging and a document store, allowing clients to store all their important documents in one place.

Investment Proposition

A robust investment process is always important, and we have made this a priority as part of our proposition. The processes and integrated systems allow Advising Partners to identify a client’s risk appetite and capacity for loss, and to free up adviser time to do the job of actually advising clients.

Look to the future

We are proud to have been committed to providing the help and reassurance our clients expect and to be able to get through difficult times together.

If you want to see how Sandringham can help find time to do your job of advising clients and you want to build a proficient and future-proofed business, please contact us.

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