For professional adviser use only

Lockdown lessons for financial advisers

25th February 2021

For the time being, lockdown continues and the government roadmap for easing restrictions is going to be very gradual, so it’s likely to be some considerable time before advisers can go back to seeing clients face to face. Indeed, some clients and advisers may never want to return to the old ways.

Providing reassurance and support

Over the last year, clients have turned to their advisers for support and reassurance that their finances are being looked after, and confirmation that you can continue to help them meet their longer-term financial planning goals. An important lesson from lockdown has been ensuring you have the right digital technologies in place to enable you to do this.

Sandringham’s approach

At Sandringham we use fully-integrated, streamlined systems, so our Advising Partners can be confident their clients are receiving digital advice of the highest quality. Our digital advice processes, tried and tested well ahead of any lockdown, have enabled our Advising Partners to provide new and ongoing advice to all clients.

This includes:

  • Wealth Platform Portal
    Our secure client portal allows the clients of our Advising Partners to view and monitor the performance of all their assets and liabilities in one place, with 24/7 online access, secure messaging, online attitude to risk assessment and a document store.
  • Annual reviews
    We enable Advising Partners to clearly evidence and articulate the planning value they add to their clients, for the fees they pay. We produce a forward facing, next step, planning document, built for our Advising Partners, that ensures time is spent on planning advice and not administration pre- and post-review.
  • Expert Guides & Newsletters
    Our regular news updates help both our advisers and their clients to keep in touch with the market, economic and wider financial developments. This includes a consolidated Budget update, so there is always the most important information to hand. Our client website also features a series of easy- to-read guides covering financial planning subjects such as pensions, investments, protection, tax planning and estate planning.
  • Priority client access
    The efficiencies we deliver to our Advising Partners ensure that clients can speak to their Sandringham Advising Partner easily, to seek reassurance even whilst we continue to work from home.

Grow your business the Sandringham Way

If you’ve been reassessing your options recently, why not consider joining Sandringham? We’ve been working hard to make the decision to join us an easy one by being a progressively minded company, intent on doing the right things well, with the client at the heart of everything we do.

If you are interested in joining us for the next exciting phase of your own business plan, you can find out more by speaking to us:

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